The artists Till Schilling, Anja Kocher, Thomas Keis and Ivana Pinna are traveling at the end of April to northern Iraq invited by the Caravan of Humanity.

They bring the MOBILE PAINTING ROOM to refugee camps in the Erbil district.

The MOBILE PAINTING ROOM is a kind of pop-up studio with tables, easels, brushes and paints that can be assembled and disassembled in a short time. Being spatially independent enables the lecturers to work flexibly. The idea behind is to give disadvantaged children and young people the opportunity to express themselves and to share experiences through artistic-aesthetic forms of expression.
Up to 40 children can paint at the same time in the MOBILE PAINTING ROOM.

The MOBILE PAINTING ROOM has been realized by Till Schilling for the first time in southern Germany in the districts of Sigmaringen, Ravensburg and Friedrichshafen and it is running seven years now. The studio for refugee children and young people is open weekly and last year reached different refugee camps up to the Syrian border.

For Iraq we need art materials such as paints, paper, brushes and easels. 
We are asking you for donations to be able to carry out this wonderful project, for offering to the children a safe space to process their terrible experiences and trauma and to create relief by allowing them to play, paint and immerse themselves in their fantasy worlds. 

In order to be able to continue the MOBILE PAINTING ROOM after our departure from Iraq, we will look for artists in the camps who will then continue to operate the MOBILE PAINTING ROOM. Here we will leave material for a year in the various camps and will pay the lecturers a small monthly fee through our partner NGO.

With every further donation we can leave more material on site and set up MOBILE PAINTING ROOMS.
We would be very happy for any economical help that can support this wonderful project.
Your donation reaches us in two ways:

Bank Account: 
Kinder- und Jugendkunstschule Pfullendorf e.V.
IBAN: DE38 6909 1600 0001 6205 17
‘Mobiler Malraum Irak’ 

With the Platform
Please click HERE: 

Big thank you in advanced,

Ivana Pinna and Thomas Keis

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